Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Shamisen Week 30 Lesson

Yes, still on the ole Wakamizu. Love that song (really). Just wish I could master it.

Still working on the position of Octave 1 San no ito, followed by Octaves 3, 4, 7, transitioning back through those, then finding Octave 2 and for an added bonus challenge, Octave 1 with the index finger and with the second finger.

You would think that once Octave 1 is found with the index finger that finding it with the second finger would not present a problem. Well, if you are me (and obviously you are not!), it is like a whole nother country.

What did they used to say in the days when the carnival challenge called High Striker (Strongman game) was popular? You hit the metal plate as hard as you could with a huge hammer to send a small metal puck up to a bell at the top. If you rang the bell, you won. If you did not, the carny guy would say "Close, but no cigar." Well, it's close but no cigar on the Octaves.

The master insists that without mastering this song, the following songs we will learn will be more troublesome. Master Wakamizu, and it will not be hard.

I have to trust the sensei.

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